Are you thinking about having a gynecomastia (against breast formation in men) treatment in Turkey? Correcting breast treatments in men are not often or quickly a topic of conversation. However, gynecomastia, breast formation in men, is common. It can be caused by high oestrogen production, but also fatty tissue and/or gland tissue can result in breast formation. Breast formation may disappear by itself, but this is not always the case. Men with breast formation many times experience this as unpleasant and may have accompanying feelings of shame. A breast correction can offer a solution.

Breast formation in men (gynecomastia) treatment Turkey
The development of too much breast tissue in men is called gynecomastia. Breast formation often results from an imbalance in hormone levels in boys during puberty. Gynecomastia has various physical and non-physical causes. Moreover, factors such as medication, disturbed hormone balance and heredity play a role in the development of male breast formation.
Types of gynecomastia
- Physical gynecomastia. Physical breast formation occurs because the gland discs do not disappear during childhood. The consequence of this is that they grow into puberty, causing breast formation. This can happen on one breast and both breasts. The growth is usually short-lived, but can also last for a few years. Surgery is usually not necessary. Another physical cause is called pseudo-gynecomastia. It is not the mammary gland that swells, but breast formation is the result of fat accumulation. This can be solved with a breast correction.
- Non-physical gynecomastia. Breast formation in men can arise from the use of certain drugs including anabolic steroids, but also antidepressants. Regular cannabis use, malfunction of testes and growths that produce hormones can also cause breast formation.
Depending on the cause of breast formation, we will determine whether a breast reduction is a suitable procedure for you.
Gynecomastia treatment Turkey
Which treatment technique is performed depends on the cause of the gynecomastia:
- Gynecomastia due to glandular disc. An enlarged glandular disk is removed with surgery. The surgeon makes a small incision under your nipple, on the transition from the areola to the skin. The choice for full anaesthesia or a local anaesthetic depends on the size of the glandular disk. A small scar will be visible afterwards.
- Gynecomastia due to excess skin. Depending on the amount of skin being removed, incisions are made in the form of an anchor around and under your nipple. If necessary, too much fat that is in the area can be removed by liposuction. It is sometimes desirable to move the nipple upwards. This will be discussed with you in advance.
Most breast corrections in men are performed within 1.5 to 2 hours. The method of anaesthesia will be discussed with you and may include complete anaesthesia, sedation and a local anaesthetic.
Recovery after breast correction in men
The course of the recovery depends on the technique that is performed. People recover faster from a liposuction treatment than from a surgical correction. Your chest area will be painful, discoloured blue and swollen after a breast correction. Swellings can be limited and prevented by wearing a corset or tight vest. It is advised to do this at least two to six weeks after the procedure. A paracetamol can be used to relieve pain. Heavy physical exertion and intensive exercise are limited in the first three weeks. After three weeks, you can exercise carefully again. Only after six weeks will you fully be able to be active again and can resume your normal activities. Depending on the type of work you perform, most men are back to work after a week. To prevent side effects, discuss the return to work with the treating physician.
Breast correction in men: risks and complications
Every surgical procedure has risks and complications. Plastic surgery is in principle only performed on healthy people, so the risk of complications is small. By talking about the possible risks during the introductory interview, the chance of side effects is reduced to a minimum. Possible complications of breast correction in men are post-bleeding, infections, poor wound healing, hematomas, allergic reactions, scars and perhaps a disappointing result. Following the tips before and after the procedure has a positive influence on recovery. For example, stopping smoking is an important issue. It has been proven that men who smoke, use tobacco and/or nicotine products at the time of surgery have an increased risk of poor wound healing. Smoking can also be detrimental to the anaesthesia that is used. It is advised to stop smoking at least 6 weeks before breast correction and not to do so in the first few weeks after the procedure.
Results of a gynecomastia treatment
Excellent results are achieved with a gynecomastia treatment, although a doctor cannot always predict exactly what to expect prior to the procedure. A lot depends on your muscle mass, hormonal balance, genetic factors and the recovery capacity of your body. The elasticity of your skin is also important for the end result. After a breast correction, the overall improvement is not immediately visible. Your skin needs some time to adjust and tighten. The worst swellings will have disappeared after a few weeks. Only after three months can you assess whether the operation has been successful, and the final result will only be assessed one year after breast correction. Because of the incisions that are made, you have to take into account scarring. The sizes of the scars are not too apparent after a breast correction. For example, a liposuction scar usually does not exceed half a centimetre, while a surgical procedure results in a scar the size of half a nipple. Scars need more than a year to fully stabilise, and they will increasingly assume the colour of the surrounding skin.
More information on a gynecomastia treatment in Turkey
During a free consultation you will discuss, with a plastic surgeon, how you want your breasts changed and why you are bothered by the breast formations. The doctor will propose the most suitable surgical technique and explain the procedure in more detail. The procedure is clarified with the help of a mirror and you will get an idea of what you can expect from the breast correction. The consultation is summarised in a personal treatment plan and the costs of the procedure are discussed with you.
Gynecomastia Turkey – Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the most frequently asked questions about breast formation in men (gynecomastia) and the treatment procedure in Istanbul, Turkey. The questions are provided with short answers. Do you have additional or other questions after reading the information? Then please contact us.
This is female breast development in men. With gynecomastia, there is excessive fat or glandular tissue, which means that men may develop one or two breasts. The causes for this breast formation are usually in the use of medication, breast cancer, taking hormone supplements and/or a change in hormone balance. Gynecomastia is regularly seen in boys during puberty and usually disappears without the need for surgery.
Physical breast formation occurs when a boy’s glandular discs do not disappear during childhood. Instead, they swell, resulting in breast formation. One or both breasts can form. The swelling usually disappears by itself, but can also be visible for a few years. Surgery is not necessary with this form of physical gynecomastia. Fat deposits can also cause physical gynecomastia. This is remedied with a breast reduction. The use of anabolic steroids, antidepressants, any metabolic changes and liver or kidney diseases can result in non-physical gynecomastia. During a consultation with a plastic surgeon, it will be determined whether you are eligible for a breast reduction.
The treatment technique is determined by the actual cause of the breast formation. In the event of a physical breast formation due to a glandular disc, the treating physician will remove this disc during surgery. For this, a small incision is made under your nipple, on the transition between the areola and your skin. Depending on the size of the glandular disc, a local or complete anaesthetic is used. If breast formation is a result of a skin surplus, the excess skin will be removed. Optionally, the nipple can also be moved upwards, and any accumulated fat is sucked away.
During the procedure, you will be locally or completely anaesthetised, so that you will not feel anything. Most men who have undergone the procedure experience a slight degree of post-pain. This post-pain is temporary in nature and decreases fairly quickly.
To drain the wound fluid and blood, drains are placed during the operation. These are usually removed the next day. Your chest will feel tight and you may have muscle pain. In the week after the operation, the swellings and bruises will decrease.
The area that has been operated on will be swollen and sensitive during the first week. You will need to take it easy and must tilt or bend as little as possible. Avoid pressure on your chest, as this can hinder recovery. After the operation, you wear a supporting corset, which not only prevents the swelling, but the corset also ensures that your skin grows optimally onto the underlying layers of tissue. Wear the corset as long as the doctor recommends. Depending on the type of work you do, most men go back to work after a few days. This period can be up to 4 weeks for heavy physical work.
The difference is immediately noticeable, although the swellings do not yet show the true result at that moment. Doctors have difficulty predicting the end result in advance, because much depends on a variety of factors. For example, your muscle mass, hormone balance, your recovery capacity and the elasticity of your skin will influence the result that is achieved. Most men are satisfied with the result achieved.
Surgical procedures always carry a certain chance of general operation side effects and complications. Side effects that may occur during a breast reduction include post-bleeding, poor wound healing, infections, excessive bleeding, decreased nipple sensation, and scarring. In rare cases, underlying structures are affected and an asymmetrical result may occur.
Breast reduction is performed with one or more (small) incisions. The scars as a result of this are bright red and swollen, shortly after the procedure. Already after about six weeks you will see an improvement and as time goes by the scars will become less and less noticeable. It can take 12 to 18 months for a scar to reach the final stage. You can also use a scar cream.
If the glandular disc is removed during the procedure, there is little chance that new breast formation will occur. If mainly fatty tissue was removed, it is important to remain at a constant weight after a breast reduction and not to gain too much weight. An increase in weight induces fat cells to develop, which can result in breast growth.
A breast reduction or breast correction for men costs € 1,999 at the Dutch Clinic.
Reimbursement options for gynecomastia vary per health insurer and per additional health insurance policies. Ask your health care provider about the options and conditions.
Certain medical costs that you pay yourself and which health insurers do not reimburse may be deducted from the annual tax return. The rules and conditions are regularly subject to change. Contact the Tax Authorities or get advice from a tax consultant.
Yes. The Dutch Clinic is affiliated with lender Cosmetic Finance. If you are considering paying in instalments, you should indicate this during the consultation. You will then be brought into contact with the credit company. Your application will be assessed based on, among other things, your financial obligations and possibly any past credit. After approval, you will receive a credit agreement and you will be required to repay a certain amount each month. Among other things, interest costs will be charged on the credit amount.
Yes. Every cosmetic procedure is preceded by an extensive consultation. In addition to explaining the procedure, you are also informed of the risks and complications associated with the treatment.
If you have any questions or requests and would like to have direct contact with us, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and to provide you with more information.
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